I used to live in what I call “the peach house” with my parents when they were still together. While it isn’t a super scary story, I want to tell you about it anyways. In the laundry room there was a door with a window that went out to the backyard. When it was night time it always felt like someone was peering inside. No one would go in there when it was dark but eventually a family member who is religious went in and did some stuff and after that we couldn’t feel it anymore. Maybe it was all in our heads and that’s what we needed to feel better or something really did happen but either way, it went away.
Brentwood Bay house in Brentwood Bay
Right when we moved into this place we knew something was different with this house. The basement did not feel right. Something was down there. Something that did not like us. My mom in particular has many stories from living there longer…
These are my experiences Ghost Stories in the Brentwood Bay house and these are my moms.
We knew when we walked into the house that it felt different from any other place we had lived.
As the house was being renovated we took the old fridge downstairs along with a bunch of other things. The nice new fridge we brought to the house with us wasn't going to be reconnected until the renovations were done. Then we could then hook up the water supply to it. With that said, anything requiring refrigeration was in that fridge downstairs. Creepy. Just wanted to get there and back as fast as possible. My girls when they went to the fridge, went together with an old squeegee. The squeegee helped ward off what-ever it was down there lurking around without being seen.
The what-you-call family room in the basement, had a couch, T.V. and chair left behind. It was a dark room and felt as though is was apart from the rest of the house.
In casual conversation I asked my next door neighbors if someone had died in the house. Their answer, explained the strange feeling the house was giving off. Of course the answer was "yes". Confirmed. I asked where in the house the person died. They said they really didn't know, but thought it was in the basement, and that it was from a drug overdose.
I told people about this, and one of the people I told said when she drove past the house one day, there was a white haired guy sanding at the front room window. No one I knew fit the description.
And no one should have a key. And what is weird too, is the next door neighbors said the person who did die was of dark skin. Not sure of the heritage. Well, now we seem to have two different entities.
Nothing really bad happened in or around the house during renovations. There was one thing however that was strange. The car I drove was only a few years old and had absolutely no previous issues. We did start renovations on the house before we actually had word that we owned it. Pretty ballsy, but the realtor said we could start renovations with pulling up the carpet. That wasn't all we did. We also took down the wood wall paneling that spanned the dining room and front room, and also started taking off all the rock from the wall around the front room fireplace. The place was a total mess, and we laughed how bad it would be if the deal fell through. We were pretty much reassured we did get the house, because otherwise why would the realtor say we could start. We just weren't supposed to do anything else than the carpet, and certainly nothing major. Humm...do you consider taking off rocks from the wall and taking off the fireplace mantel and wood paneling and stuff, too much...LOL!
During our fun time of literately ripping the place apart, we fell tired. It was getting late and we all had enough of the fun for our first hours there. It was time to go home and get some good rest, because the next day was going to be continuation. We decided to leave my car in the carport, and take the other vehicles. My car would be safe in the driveway, because it was actually pretty much out of site. The driveway was overgrown with trees.
We arrived bright and early the next day, worked our butts off, and then once more it was time to leave. Lots of demolishing done. And well done! I hopped in my car, went to start it, and nothing happened. Dead. Strange...but never thought anything much of it. Just thought perhaps I left the car lights on from when we first arrived the previous day. When I look back a this, I think the entity was mad or something, and was getting back.
We did end up owning the house, so all was good, and we laughed some more about "If they only knew what renovations we had done already" It wasn't long after either, that the lady who sold it to us died. That was the hold up in the first place. She was in the hospital.
One night in particular while I was in bed sleeping, I woke up suddenly and looked at the end of my bed. To my astonishment, excitement, and disbelief there stood my Dad. He was looking at me with bright beautiful happy eyes and had big smile on his face. He was beaming! He really scared me though from just being there, so I yelped out with fright! He then disappeared, but I was left with such a warm loving feeling. This was the first time my Dad visited me since his death in 1986. We were renovating the house I believe in 1999 or 2000.
Now all renovations are done and we are living a normal life. The basement was a lot better too. We got rid of the couch and other things that were left behind from the previous owner.
We never forgot about the strange beginning though, especially since now 'other' things were beginning to occur.
For big dinners, I would plan the menu ahead of time, and also set the table with all the intricate details to make it as beautiful as I could for the event the dinner was for. For this particular time, I set it well ahead of time, because it worked out best that I did. I covered the nicely set dining table with one of those thin plastic sheets used to cover furniture.
I felt pretty good with having it all set more than one week before the dinner event. I actually ended up having some time to myself to just relax one evening, so I sat in one of the chairs by the front room window.
All of a sudden, the plastic that was hanging down onto the left hand side leg of the table, was moving. Not just slowly breezy moving, like how you would suspect it would if the furnace register had hot hair blowing out of it. And in any case, this table leg wasn't by the register. I heard the plastic move, so that's why I looked up to see what was going on. I couldn't believe it. It just didn't make sense. I thought I would wait until the furnace came on again, so I could investigate why the plastic moved on just that part. In the meantime, it started again... No furnace blowing air, no window open letting in a breeze. Nope, it was moving all on it's own. I took great delight in seeing this. I laughed out loud actually, thinking how neat it was. I walked over to this strange happening, and when I got there it had stopped. Humm I thought. I'm going to see if I can get the plastic moving in the same way. I darted back and fourth in front of it, but there was no way this thin over-hanging plastic would move in the same way. The results were rather dull actually. I laughed again, but this time at myself. LOL! I thought it was funny how I was trying to make the plastic move like that again.
On another day, past the dinner event, I was back in the same chair again reading. I have all the "Harry Potter" books, so was busy reading them. And no, these stories have nothing to do with my imagination from reading the "Harries"...
Anyway, before getting back into the chair in my comfortable position of which just happens to be sitting sideways, I had been exercising on one of those big exercise balls. I left it sitting still between the fireplace and the coffee table. The view from the sideway position I had in the chair, was over the staircase coming up from the front door. This is completely the opposite direction from the fireplace. From my right peripheral vision I saw the ball move from the coffee table over to the fireplace, bounce off the fireplace and roll slowly back into place and became still again. I said "Okay, you have my complete attention now, do it again" Stubborn. It didn't do it.
One time when I was leaving the house via the front door, I had a bit of a set back. Now to explain what the floor was like, would help you understand this type of situation just couldn't happen. We had the front entrance linoleum replaced with tile. For this to happen, first a sub floor goes in. When complete, the floor is much higher. The door just barely passed over it, but did. And did with ease.
This one sunny day, I opened the door and stepped outside. I proceeded to pull on the door handle to close it behind me, but with surprise, I had resistance. It almost seemed like someone was pulling it from the inside. I looked at the floor. Nope, no issue there. I tried again, and the next time I had no issue at all with closing the door. I thought to myself, thanks 'Dad' for the delay. You may have saved me from being in an accident.
I told my Mom of the things happening in the house. She said it would be my Dad because he was quite the prankster when he was alive. And this time was to save me.
Another time I heard a muffled bang. Wasn't sure what that was all about, so I went searching. It sounded as though it came from the main bathroom, so that's where I did my first investigation. What I found, was the toilet seat cover was down. I always left it up. My testing proved it could not have closed on its own. I put it to the full open position, then slowly tapped with my finger. It was pretty stiff, so it wasn't until about a quarter of the way down, that it finally let go and went the rest of the way.
One time when both my daughter's were at the house, and we were in the kitchen, the main bathroom lights went on/off/on/off/on/off/on/off. We all saw it. This was the first time I didn't experience a strange happening by myself.
One of the times when I was in the kitchen, I heard the oven. What I mean by that, is when it was on, it made a clicking noise sometimes. It was off, and I know it was off. I am a double checker with things, and I know it was off. No explanation. I turned it off, and all was good. It didn't happen again.
I liked having my Dad around, especially when living alone. I felt safe, and since my Dad had been around, the other entity wasn't. When I came home, I always said "Hi House". It still was the 'House' to me for some reason. I guess I should have been saying "Hi Dad".
But the reason why I said "Hi House", and always remained happy about the things going on, was because I don't believe in being scared over such things. And I could have...
One night as I lay in bed trying to get to sleep, I felt an enormous presence beside me. So close that if I twitched I'm sure I would have touched it. The presence didn't feel good. It was black and bad in some way. I didn't open my eyes, but I did say out loud to leave me alone, that I needed sleep. It left. I never did open my eyes afterwards. I thought keeping them closed, would keep 'it' away.
My boyfriend, now my husband, was over one night. He likes to sleep on the right side of the bed, so that's where he was. That was my usual spot. I had no problems sleeping that night, but he sure had one heck of a time. He heard such strange noises outside the window, i
t creeped him right out. He couldn't make out what on earth would be making such a strange noise, but in any case he never slept over again. For him to explain what he heard is difficult. It was not like anything he had ever heard before. It was like some kind of indescribable beast of some sort. I told him, the only strange thing I ever heard while in that bedroom, was something running across the roof and jumping onto the deck. Something heavy too. It scared me, and I never did get up to see what it was. I thought it was some kind of wild animal, like a cougar perhaps. I didn't sleep much that particular night though. I had the biggest ears listening to all the night sounds.
This house at 6833 Wallace Drive, Brentwood Bay, B.C. was full of personality. I have had previous incidents or encounters you would say, but this house had the most. It started off dark and off-limits when the first entity or entities were there. It became bright and fun while my Dad was there. After my Dad left, it remained good except for just those couple of incidents. It started getting dark again. I didn't live there much longer, only for the fact we decided to live in Victoria in the house my boyfriend had and sell mine.
Who knows what lurks there now...
Basement Suit in Calgary
Jeremy and I moved to our first place together complete with our very own ghost girl! We only lived there for a year but so much happened in that time
Ghost with no story
Visha Loo
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